Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015) Full Movie
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The City of Menlo Park Community Services Department invites you to join us on Friday, September 2 at 7:45pm on the Paseo on Curtis Street in Downtown Menlo Park. We will be showing Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015). Bring a blanket, picnic, friends and family to enjoy a free community movie night!
That's not to say that the movie is all gloom and doom, far from it. In fact, one of the things I appreciate about Age of Ultron is the manner with which the dialogue is peppered with witty banter, playful jabs, punchy one-liners, and every now and again, a rousing speech about what it takes to win the day. Of course, smart dialogue isn't enough to carry a movie of this magnitude all on its own. You also need to deliver a series of over-the-top action sequences, of which Age of Ultron is never in short supply. From the moment the film opens, we see the group working as a well-oiled machine, executing signature moves as if each member of the team is contributing to a badass ballet of superheroics. And thankfully, there's plenty more where that came from, with the size and scope of each oncoming battle increasing to near-absurd levels of awesome. While I do admit to thinking that, every now and again, some of the action is difficult to track, no skirmish had left me feeling as if I'd been cheated out of seeing the full breadth of the spectacle at hand.
Where to Watch: Disney+ or rentable/buyable on most platforms.Chris Hemsworth made his MCU debut as the iconic Thor, God of Thunder in the MCU biggest early gamble, which was the full introduction of space and magic (well, cosmic "science") to the saga. Kenneth Branagh directed this Shakespearean family squabble about an arrogant, untested God prince, who finds redemption after falling in love with a scientist on Earth, Natalie Portman's Jane Foster. Betrayed by his brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston making a big splash in the role), Thor learns the true meaning of heroism and sacrifice. 2. The Avengers (2012)Where to Watch: Disney+ or rentable/buyable on most platforms.In The Avengers, Thor joined Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye in a massive team-up effort to stop Loki from leading an alien invasion of Earth. Due to its ensemble nature, Thor himself wasn't the focus here as his story was mostly relegated to feeling responsible for his family's diabolical nature but the movie was a smash hit and gave fans their first glimpse of what the MCU was truly capable of when it came to merging characters and stories. 3. Thor: The Dark World (2013)Where to Watch: Disney+, DirecTV, Starz, or rentable/buyable on most platforms.In the aftermath of The Avengers, Thor clashed with Dark Elves and suffered a huge loss in the process. Jane found herself in Asgard for the first time after getting infected by a space substance known as the Aether (aka the "Reality Stone") and a defeated Loki started his first steps toward (his first) redemptive arc. Thor: The Dark World isn't exactly the most praised film in the MCU but it contains some very important character moments. 4. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)Where to Watch: Disney+, DirecTV, Syfy, Sling, or rentable/buyable on most platforms.Thor, character-wise, found himself floundering greatly in the stuffed-to-the-gills Avengers: Age of Ultron. With the most characters to service yet, Thor's story, much of which wound up cut from the final film, involved seeing a vision of the Infinity Stones and learning that he was a "destroyer." Naturally, he still helps save the day during the third-act action, aiding in the defeat of apocalypse-obsessed A.I. Ultron, but this was the least effective Thor outing. 5. Thor: Ragnarok (2017)Where to Watch: Disney+ or rentable/buyable on most platforms.Taika Waititi took the helm for the third Thor film, creating the zaniest and funniest MCU to date at the time with Thor: Ragnarok. So much chaos and calamity is crammed into (what is essentially) a laugh-fest, including big deaths, fun MCU reveals, the destruction of major realms, and a direct lead into Avengers: Infinity War that it's hard to fathom how it all worked. But it did, and pushing Thor out of dour melodrama and into silly escapades was a boon for the character. 6. Avengers: Infinity War (2018)Where to Watch: Disney+ or rentable/buyable on most platforms.Infinity War allowed Thor to keep his comic edge from Ragnarok while still putting him into a hugely serious story with major ramifications. Seeking a weapon to defeat Thanos, Thor cosmically crafts an axe called Stormbreaker. But did he arrive in time? And did he go for the head? Thor's actions in this film would send him spiraling in future movies, making him unsure of his destiny as a whole. 7. Avengers: Endgame (2019)Where to Watch: Disney+, DirecTV, or rentable/buyable on most platforms.Endgame gave us a Thor like we'd never seen before. Everyone grieved the loss of half of all life in their own way, but Thor wallowed and turtled and truly blamed himself for everything that happened. A trip back in time and a visit with his late mother helped reignite his fire for a final showdown with Thanos, this time with the entire universe on the line. This was a hugely crowded movie, but Thor made a big impact. 7. Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)Where to Watch: Disney+ or rentable/buyable on most platforms.Thor's fourth solo film brought director Taika Waititi, and the Natalie Portman's Jane, back to the fold for a story of two Thors and rekindled (yet tragic) love. Christian Bale filled the villain role as Gor the God Butcher, a grieving alien determined to massacre all deities while Portman packed on muscle for her new gig as The Mighty Thor. Wild action, riotous humor, touching moments, and Guns N' Roses prevailed. 781b155fdc